See How To Get Your Marketing For Free!

Introducing Our New Refer a Practice Program


We are excited to share our newest refer a colleague program that can allow you to get any of the services that we offer absolutely free of charge.

All you have to do is refer a colleague by completing the short form to the right, or below if on a mobile device

Once we receive the referral we will confirm that you are in fact the person that made the referral by sending you an email that requires a response.

Once we have made that confirmation we will contact the referral and have a conversation with them.

If your referral engages the services of Optometry Marketing Success for search engine optimization, Google Adwords optimization, Google My Business Listing Optimization, or website design, you can get your marketing done absolutely free- and here’s how!

If your referral becomes a client for one of our monthly recurring services such as search engine optimization or Google Adwords optimization, you will receive a credit EQUAL to your referrals monthly cost, up to $1,000.00.

So, for example if your referral signs up for a service that is $750.00 a month, then you would receive a one time credit of $750.00.

If the referral signed up for a $300.00 a month service you would receive a one time $300.00 credit, and if the referral signed up
for a $1500.00 service, you would receive the max one time credit of $1000.00.

Now, If the referral engages the services of Optometry Marekting Success for a one time service such as a website build, you will receive a flat $300.00 one time credit.

If you are a current client of Optometry Marketing Success, that credit will go against your monthly investment that you pay each month. So if you receive the max $1000.00 credit and the monthly investment you make is $750.00, then you would get one month free and $250.00 off of the following month and so on.

If you are NOT a client, you would still receive that same credit, and it can be used against any of the services that we offer.

Now here is the really exciting thing about this program!

You can do this as much as you want, as often as you want- and if you do it enough, you could get your marketing done absolutely free,
or at a minimum with an insanely huge discount depending on what services the referrals engage in.

So think about all of the colleagues you know that might benefit from the services we offer, then go ahead and enter the information for your first referral in the refer a colleague box now!

    Refer Practice Here

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